Monday, September 29, 2008

Where do I begin?

WHAT a weekend! First of all, we were in Destin, FL since thursday afternoon with Origin. It was an unreal trip. How can you NOT connect with God in a place like that. The weather was absolutley perfect and we had so much fun, I don't think anyone was ready to come home. Secondly... ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!! I know the game was 41-30 but all you Georgia fans know it was not a close game at all. Alabama totally dominated and thank the Lord they did 'cause I did not wanna hear about it for the rest of the year from every single person in the church. Trust... you haven't heard the last from me on either one of these issues but I gotta prepare for revival tonight (which I hear has been unbelievable so far) so I'm gonna sign off for a bit. Freeman... OUT. (that was for Eli and Sara)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Stefan the Scientist

Hey you guys go check out my boy. Stefan was a fraternity brother of mine who is now doing some stuff with GRITS and also launched his own musical career. I have never met anyone more musically talented than this guy. (and that's saying alot) He is really amazing. His sound is reggae/hip hop and its really easy listening and has a positive message. On top of all that Stefan is an amazing man of God.

Check out his music HERE

Monday, September 22, 2008

Worship Set (9.21.08)

Yesterday's worship service was powerful. We added a prayer from our Pastor and a video (we did a voice over and added our own music to one that we purchased from sermonspice) in between our up-tempo songs and our mid to slower tempo songs and it was a perfect transition. A couple things we always try to look at are lyrical compatibility (with the Pastor's talk and with the other songs), key signatures (for smoothe transitions), and tempo (we dont want it all over the place). These things determine where we place songs in the order and how we create transitions.
It's important for us that we dont do four songs and sit down. I want it to be a change from week to week so we never become too "routine" ("predictably unpredictable" is our goal) and I think we're accomplishing that right now by small changes in each service.
No doubt yesterday's service would have been a big mess without our media and lighting people hitting all the cues perfectly. We had 6 videos and over 30 lighting changes yesterday which may have been pushing it on our part but it emphasizes the importance of our technical crew. Our team is awesome! Good job guys. I'll try to keep you all up to date each week with the worship set at the Torch.

Call to Worship: Sing to the King(C)/God of Ages(G)

Pastoral Prayer: Pastor Mike

Video: This is the Truth

Worship: God of This City(Db)/There is a River(Db)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Insert funny

This may be the best comercial in the history of the world. So funny and I find myself doing it to people ALL the time. (sorry Kylie and Blake) Whenever you need to add some funny to your day just become someone's stain and mumble over EVERYTHING they say. They'll hate you for it but you'll laugh so hard. And prolly at random times throughout the day you'll just bust out laughing and people will look at you funny but it's so worth it. Pick your moments though. The waitor may not be a good one to "stain" cause he IS handling your food. The staff meeting may be a bad idea too but trust me there are plenty of moments where this is completely appropriate!


I'm 'bout to stop posting so many videos(prolly not:)but I was watching this one today and it encouraged me so much I wanted to share it with everyone. The video is not great and the song isn't one that just makes you wanna jump outta your seat and run to an altar somewhere but it's "right" if you know what I mean. We all have those days where we feel a million miles away from God (even professional ministers)and just wish God would realize we're struggling without us having to tell Him. Yeah it's that "pride creep". You know what the amazing thing is though... every time I stop and give God a shout out He always finds a way to give me some love. It just happened today to be this video. I'm convinced we need to be more attentive to the way God chooses to speak to us. He does it so creatively and we are most often just waiting for something like He's always done before... something unamazing. Have you not noticed that God likes to break routines just 'cause He can. I mean He spoke through crazy stuff like a bush and a donkey. What?! We'll talk about that more next time though. Today may not be the day that you need to see this video and hear this song but when that day comes... and it will... just come on back and you'll be encouraged.

Ed Young

I saw this message from Fellowship Church and for some reason just began to tear up. Thank God he didnt say... "You kissed a girl and you're going to hell", 'cause that seems to be the other option in dealing with the "un-churched". (note previous blog)

Delicious - Foodie from Fellowship Church on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

help me understand

A church in Ohio posted this message on its sign:

Seriously?! We have the greatest message of hope in the world. We have a message of repentance and salvation and we choose to tell people they are going to hell? We choose to tell them that their flaws eliminate them from God rather than telling them that "we have all sinned and come short" but God's love trumps all our mess? We have a message that says... "GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD..." and we choose to tell them that they are disqualified from His love. Jesus please don't judge Your church as harshly as we judge our neighbors.
Please help me understand why a church would feel that this was appropriate? We Christians, who have been forgiven so much, choose to make a statement that displays punishment over forgiveness? This sign is a message to anyone who may be LOST and struggling with their own sexuality that they are not welcome here and not only that... there is no hope for them... they do not pass go... they do not collect $200... they go to hell.
The truth is that Jesus came and preached a message of inclusion. He wanted everyone He came in contact with to know that they may have to make some radical changes but they most definitely could be forgiven and that there was room for them in His Kingdom. "Jesus came to the world, not to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved."
I'm sorry but I just don't believe I serve a God who rolls outta bed in the morning and says... "Let me see who I need to send to hell today". NO! I believe God is saying... "I love all those people so stinkin' much... I CANNOT WAIT to forgive somebody."

I welcome comments on this one. Let me know your thoughts. Don't worry I'm climbing off my soapbox as we speak.

Monday, September 15, 2008


We have our annual beach trip coming up the end of the month for Origin and I cannot wait. Last year God did some amazing things and it was really just an awesome time of fun and spiritual REnewal. Our theme last year was "REfocus; REfuel" and both of those things occurred in me. There's just something about the beach that brings me back to center and allows me to get rid of the things I need to let go of and to bring my attention back to the place where's its really needed. Honestly though... how could a place this beautiful not do that for everyone? We do not slack on this trip. We stay in one of the nicest complexes in Destin, Florida. The beaches are absolutely amazing and the weather is perfect this time of year.
This year our theme is "REunion". Its a call to REunite with with God and with those that God has placed in our lives. With so much going on for all of us, it becomes so easy for us to disconnect from the ones that loves us the most and take our most cherished relationships for granted... including the one we have with our Creator. Enough of that... we're gonna have a RElationship Renewal at REhab this year.

Here's the video from last year with some people that attended. You can see for yourself what I mean about it being a special time. Contrary to popular belief... we're not JUST there for the beach, parasailing, jet-skiing, beach volleyball and great food. :) The most important thing there is the time we spend with our Maker. Lord, bless this trip as much and more than last year's. We wanna meet with you God. Speak to us and through us and change lives forever!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

be afraid... be very afraid

Ok... one more video for you then i'm done. This is just too good to pass up. Thank you Blake for this little precious jewel! WOW!


Considering last week's message (GOSSIP... a commmon Disease) I felt like I should share this song with all you guys which would further help to illustrate the point. Please enjoy!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"O... Its already been broughten"

I couldn't let this day get by without sharing my excitemnet with the world. The boys in Crimson played an amazing game this week and you don't have to be an Alabama fan to recognize that. Totally dominated was the number 9 team in the country by a group of boys who were "too young" and "lacking experience". I had a friend of mine laugh at me when I told him Bama's freshmen would dominate the game. He said... "I think it's hilarious that you Bama fans are putting so much faith in FRESHMEN LOL". Well I wouldn't call you out (Hollis)

but you know who you are and what a mistake you made so repent and lets move on together. Another friend of mine (Wes)
who is not EVEN a clemson fan, talked trash to me all day about how the ACC was so good and then got eerily silent once the game began. And btw... ACC? Pffff!!!