Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I'm 'bout to stop posting so many videos(prolly not:)but I was watching this one today and it encouraged me so much I wanted to share it with everyone. The video is not great and the song isn't one that just makes you wanna jump outta your seat and run to an altar somewhere but it's "right" if you know what I mean. We all have those days where we feel a million miles away from God (even professional ministers)and just wish God would realize we're struggling without us having to tell Him. Yeah it's that "pride creep". You know what the amazing thing is though... every time I stop and give God a shout out He always finds a way to give me some love. It just happened today to be this video. I'm convinced we need to be more attentive to the way God chooses to speak to us. He does it so creatively and we are most often just waiting for something like He's always done before... something unamazing. Have you not noticed that God likes to break routines just 'cause He can. I mean He spoke through crazy stuff like a bush and a donkey. What?! We'll talk about that more next time though. Today may not be the day that you need to see this video and hear this song but when that day comes... and it will... just come on back and you'll be encouraged.

1 comment:

alwrshpr said...

Today was the day I needed this. Thank you for a warm beautiful reminder...