Monday, September 15, 2008


We have our annual beach trip coming up the end of the month for Origin and I cannot wait. Last year God did some amazing things and it was really just an awesome time of fun and spiritual REnewal. Our theme last year was "REfocus; REfuel" and both of those things occurred in me. There's just something about the beach that brings me back to center and allows me to get rid of the things I need to let go of and to bring my attention back to the place where's its really needed. Honestly though... how could a place this beautiful not do that for everyone? We do not slack on this trip. We stay in one of the nicest complexes in Destin, Florida. The beaches are absolutely amazing and the weather is perfect this time of year.
This year our theme is "REunion". Its a call to REunite with with God and with those that God has placed in our lives. With so much going on for all of us, it becomes so easy for us to disconnect from the ones that loves us the most and take our most cherished relationships for granted... including the one we have with our Creator. Enough of that... we're gonna have a RElationship Renewal at REhab this year.

Here's the video from last year with some people that attended. You can see for yourself what I mean about it being a special time. Contrary to popular belief... we're not JUST there for the beach, parasailing, jet-skiing, beach volleyball and great food. :) The most important thing there is the time we spend with our Maker. Lord, bless this trip as much and more than last year's. We wanna meet with you God. Speak to us and through us and change lives forever!

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