Thursday, July 31, 2008

Movement or Monument

Ok so I promised my thoughts over the last few days and here they come... ready or not. Recently there has been alot of change going on here at the church and its been a good thing. On Monday we moved our stage around and I love it now but definitely was not excited about unhooking wires and moving staging around all day. On Tuesday, when Mike walked in and told us it was time to move the offices I was immediately in a bad mood. This was gonna be lots of work and I felt like my cup was already runnething (not a word) over. I thought to myself... "(Self) I would rather just stay here in these crummy offices and paper thin walls with no windows,than pack all this up and move to those amazing new offices with the great views and bigger spaces which just happens to be on the church campus." Sound familiar?

I think we often settle for alot less than is afforded to us just because we simply dont HAVE TO change. We can go on with things just as they are and make it. What had happened to me was that I had become so comfortable that I was unmotivated and had slipped into a routine (bad word). Without change and or progress, I begin to lose interest (even in myself) and eventually lose my drive and passion. And guess what... It's like a virus. If you become routine in one area, IT WILL SPREAD! I had not only lacked interest in work, I lacked interest in myself which translated into me not working out, even shaving less (I still showered some). I worked the 5'0clock shadow thing not because I thought it looked good but because I just didnt care that much. (sad huh?)

When we finally got everything moved in and I had my office set up, I was more motivated and inspired than I had been in a long time. I realized how imperative change is in my life. Some times its nothing more than rearranging the furniture in my house that ultimately makes me feel more accomplished or just better. I think, deep down we all long for change and for something different. Most of us however, have this interior mechanism that says "Change = bad", especially in the church, but what we sometimes miss is that change is essential for growth. Not change for the sake of change, but change for the sake of a fresh breath and a new perspective.

If we're not careful, we'll live way beneath our privilege simply because we reject change. Especially if you're a creative person, never underestimate the NEED for change in your life. You HAVE to get a change of scenery every once in a while and you HAVE to get a change in routine every so often or else the creativity (and ultimately your happiness) will stop.

I know that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, but don't be fooled into believing He and His will for your life is stationary. God, since the beginning of time, has been building a movement, not a monument.

1 comment:

NaKisha Brooke said...

great blog..

ps- i created one of these things, so you have to check mine out too..