The more and more I look at the way the churches in Australia are communicating the gospel to the world, the more I start to realize how "boxed" in we, in the States are about the way we approach church and the things of God. We tend to have this idea about the way things should be done or can be done because we all grew up in this "Christian" nation where church is a dominant thing in alot of peoples lives. In Australia... the people tend to give God much more freedom and credit for being creative (imagine that... God being creative)and new because they didnt grow up with these pre-conceived ideas of "this is how church must be and God must act". I have been amazed when I attend conferences around the country that they all seem to be watching and listening to what the churches are doing over there. Churches like Hillsong and Planetshakers are not only being innovative in the music of the church but are also changing the way we think about how church can be done. Do yourself a favor and take a look.
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