Friday, June 6, 2008

you're in my world now

Well hello world! This is obviously a big day for me. Everyone tell all your friends and make this the most popular blog site in Cornelia GA history. I have no doubt that my fans (Brandon and Wes) will rally behind me and before long I'll be a blogging superstar. Fur reel do... hopefully through this you guys get to laugh and make fun of me a little bit and I get to blow off some steam about how hard it is working with Brandi Wood (she has yelled at me daily to start this).
1st order of business...
Man let me tell you how impressed I am with the new staging and lighting in our church. I have to be honest and admit that I was really nervous to begin with because it was such a big step for us to incorporate more staging and lighting (we're still a small community church trying to expand our borders). I know I made the guys that were installing it nervous because I stressed to them on multiple occasions that we have to remain modest in our approach that first Sunday morning. Well they were even more modest than we normally are but that was a good thing because it gave people a chance to get used to the changes.
The stage changes have really revolutionized our whole sunday morning service and our video broadcast. It brought more life to the platform and more color and quality to the screens. I know I'm A.D.D. anyway but I found myself so much more attentive during the message even because of the fact that I was visually intreagued. Like any change made.. I fully expect some negative comments but for the most part I am so pleased with the transformation and cant wait to do it all over again in a few months... wait a second!


bluegrass2thebone said...

Eric, you tha man dawg....
Bloggin as if it were the 21st century.
I love the stage work. The first Sunday it was up, I was sick (couldn't sing anything but a bass part)and sat out in the congregation for service. It was a great assistance in setting the tone for worship.
Shout out to the Tenor section.

Sandy.Martin said...
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Sandy.Martin said...

I'm so proud of you for adding yourself to the blogging world. I'm very proud of you. And by the way, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new stage set-up. And I'm very grateful to be back involved in the music ministry. Thanks for all you do.

~Sandy Martin~

Blake Adams said...

Hey Buddy! Isn't blogging a blast!

Kubota Man said...

Eric, the stage is awsome! Love it! Keep up the great work.